Student Solution


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1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

The Self & Body Image in the Media

The Self & Body Image in the Media

Q Please answer the following questions as a Discussion. Be sure to post as well as reply to someone's post as well. Just be sure to hit the Reply below whenever you are ready to begin the Discussion on this topic: How do you think the media influences your self-perception and body image? Describe the typical man that is portrayed in the media. Describe the typical woman that is portrayed in the media. What impressions do these typical bodies make on others? What are the potential positive and negative effects of the way the media portrays the human body?

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We live in an era where everything is done through the social media platform and this influences everything. In my case, the media has influenced and I as a person have influenced others through the Instagram platform. I used this means of communication so that other people who, like me, had several extra pounds, could motivate themselves, help them to have good habits, and always look for the best version of themselves. I used and exposed my exercise routine along with the food I was taking and the product I was consuming so that others could see my progress and that helped me to obtain an extra income in my home.